For gamers on the go, you'll appreciate the quick response. Most moves are made under thirty seconds, even in untimed games. However, the artificial intelligence in Kasparov Chessmate tends to make quick decisions. There are undo and hint functions that go many levels to help assist the newer players. It's a very usable game, with features to organize your saved games and the ability to review them.

I would've rather gone through an interactive tutorial something that Hexacto has awfully been good at in the past.For novices, intermediate and casual players, Kasparov Chessmate should be more than enough. Instead of interactive matches, though, the tutorial is simply a brisk read on defense setups on the board as well as the very basics of chess. But again, the historical feature isn't broad enough to include other personalities.A training section is included in the game. All of the historical matches, moreover, deal with Kasparov, including his famous matches against machines and Kramnik. Those are the types of training aids that come with the Chessmaster series. Nor is there in-game commentary – what if Kasparov had made this move instead of that one. Unlike Chessmaster, though, there isn't a lot of narrative text to describe the significance of each match. It's here that you'll be able to participate in marathons and exhibition matches.Every game that is saved can be reviewed at a later time. Simply put, you're pitted against pre-defined characters with skills and attributes molded by the developer. The other bulk of the game is comprised of matches against members of Kasparov's chess club. I guess everyone needs to experience the hubris of winning by a landslide from time to time. Still, more than a few people who looked at the game on my handheld commented whether there was a level below the Easy rating – like someone with a chess rating close to zero. A quick match can be made against a human player (hotseat mode) or the computer the latter's difficulty can be configured based on the universally accepted chess rating. There is a helpful hint button for those who are stuck when making a move. Novices will find a lot to like about Kasparov Chessmate. Kasparov Chessmate doesn't fall into that trap.

Besides the pawns, I couldn't tell which one was which. One of the things I hate most about colorful chess games is how they make all the pieces indistinguishable from one another.

But that's a disservice to the product as Kasparov Chessmate features tiles and figurines that range from the classic 2D top down look to pseudo-isometric 3D. It is, vis-a-vis difficulty, by no means the bane of Kasparov's career, Deep Blue, in the palm of your hand but serious players will have some features to look forward to, including an extensive set of historical matches.Kasparov Chessmate looks ho hum in the beginning. Possessing an adequate artificial intelligence, it should provide most casual to intermediate players a tough challenge. Kasparov Chessmate is a well rounded chess title. When Ubi Soft tapped Gameloft to issue their Chessmaster product for the Pocket PC, it was only a matter of time till we saw a Kasparov title hit the scene to compete with it.